Dear Friends,
If there is anything that the last year has shown me, it is that there are hundreds
of thousands of people in this world that feel as passionate about the need for more
wholesome movies as I do! Thank you all for your vital support so far, but we've
got to do more!
I believe that the only reason we don't have a million names yet on The Petition
For More Wholesome Movies, is because not all of the people out there know about this
petition! What can we do to spread the word? Well, a team of people at
have devised a plan for you and your organization hold an
1M-BY-Y2K event.
I challenge everyone who wants to see things in the movie industry change for the
better, to take charge in your own communities and support this plan.
Rather than sit back and complain about the situation the world is in, this is one
way we can make a difference! We need to do something about the world in which
children are growing up in, and we need to think about what values children are
learning. We are a world that has become DESENSITIZED!! Of course, the more
we and our children hear foul language, see irresponsible sex scenes, witness violence,
observe lack of respect for authorities, the more desensitized to these family values
we become, and the more these things will occur.
Many people have written me, sent me articles from newspapers, and posted messages in
The Goodworks Bulletin Board Forum entitled
More Wholesome Movies, reporting of children performing acts of violence due to the
entertainment that they have seen and heard. Let's do all that we can to keep
incidences like The Columbine High School Shooting from occurring. Lets make a
difference in this world. There are thousands of us teamed together on this issue now,
lets rock the boat in Hollywood. With your participation, WE WILL DO IT!
Come join us in supporting this cause! Feel free to add your input in my
More Wholesome Movies bulletin board forum, and thank you so much for everything
you have done and are doing to insist on having more of a choice.
Determined for success,
Elise Jenkins