Goodworks Bulletin Board
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Learn to navigate & Register to post messages

Using the Goodworks Bulletin Board is as easy as 1-2-3. After learning how to post messages, you are encouraged to share your thoughts. If you have questions which are not answered on this page, please feel free to ask them on the board, in the forum titled "Webmaster's Place". You can also ask the moderator of the forum or the other users.

When you click on any link to go to the Bulletin Board (BB), take note of the control center in the top right corner of each BB page. The control center will look like the sample your see below and will contain the links neccessary for you to register yourself, on the bulletin board, manage your personal information and preferences and discover some powerful features of this program.

The Goodworks

my profile | register | faq | search

The registration process asks for a username and other unique personal data, including your email address. To validate you and your address, a randomized password is generated and immediatly sent to your email address. You must use the username you selected EXACTLY AS YOU TYPED IT along with the password to post messages and gain access to the other controls. You may change your password anytime by clicking on my profile and supplying your initial or current password. Only then will you be able to change your personal information.

To post messages on the Goodworks BB, all you need to remember to do is click on either of the two "Post" buttons where ever you see them displayed. The "Post New Topic" button allows you to start a new Topic, or thread of messages, and will list it's subject as a text link on the list of topics in the forum you are viewing. The "Post A Reply" button is displayed only on the thread pages where the messages can be read, and will let you respond to the topic being discussed. It is a common rule to read the first post of the thread to know what the topic is about, then discipline yourself to "stay on topic" and keep your information in line with the train of thought presented. If you wish to change the subject of a discussion, it is best to use the "Post New Topic" button in stead. Below, are samples of the two buttons used on the board.

Sample Only Sample Only

After you have posted a message, be sure it reads the way you want it to by viewing it with your web browser. If it needs changed you can click on the edit icon Sample Only above your displayed message to make changes. You will also notice other icons above each message which you can click on to find out more about the person who wrote the message.

If you haven't discovered what "faq" means on the Internet, chances are you are new at it. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, but it would seem that the most frequently asked question is the inquiry of "What is FAQ?" Now that you know, check out our BB faq link to learn more about the many bulletin board tips and options. The search feature is a handy tool to look for posts on the system containing certain text strings. It may be a good idea to preform a search before asking a question that may have already been asked.

Placing photos in your posts is one of the nice features of the Goodworks BB. Learn how to create links or display photos, by clicking on the UBB Code link found on any message editing screen. Photos are not permitted in all forums, so be aware of the notes to the left of the editing box on the editing screens.

Below, is a screen-capture image of a single forum heading form the Goodworks Bulletin Board. This image was taken on the first day that Goodworks Network came online. What you are looking at is the forum link which leads into the list of topics, of the forum "Zion's Continuous Online Social". Notice the column labels on the red header bar indicating the various parts of data for the forum. One of which is "Posts" which shows the number of posts made to the forum. The yellow bar is a catagory header listing the name of grouped forums directly below it. In this sample, only one forum is shown.

Sample BB Forum

Forums on the Goodworks Bulletin Board are currently grouped into three main categories. You'll find bulletin board news and help in our Goodworks Central area, and global interest forums for everyone in our Mount Zion area. Please visit both of these areas to get better acquainted with this web site and it's many users around the world. All other areas are for discussions between members and friends of specific church units. We welcome your input in any of these forums as you see fit. Ads may only be placed according to the rules and policies of this service. Feel free to review them at any time.

The Goodworks Bulletin Board is not only a friendly place to come, but it's also user-friendly. Every effort is made to simplify it's workings and policies to allow you the freedom to concentrate on the quality of the content you supply. It is our hope that you feel edified by your visits to our site, and inspired to contribute your best. So, enjoy our service, and be on your best behavior as you join the fun and "Let your light so shine."





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