Events For 1M-IN-Y2K
Events For 1M-IN-Y2K Start Here

In 1998 Elise Jenkins set out to gather 1,000,000 names on her petition for More
Wholesome Movies. Ever since, people have been inspired to lend her their support in
many ways. Now, the Goodworks Network is involved full force and is asking you and your
family to take part in what will become National History and the strongest form of
support ever given for the cause of More Wholesome Movies. Let's help Elise collect
one million names on her petition in the year 2000.
From October 16 - December 31, 2000, groups all across this nation, and even in foreign
countries will form teams in their own communities and set out to collect names on
The Petition For More Wholesome Movies. You and your friends can walk around in
shopping malls and neighborhoods, telling people about the petition and asking them
to either sign your copy, or to come to Goodworks.net to read more about the petition
and add their name to the online version.
T-shirts and Info Cards will
be needed to look like a team. If you put together
a group of people for a 1M-IN-Y2K event, be sure to sign-in on the
More Wholesome Movies Bulletin Board Forum.
Here is the text for the Info Cards which is approved by
The Nationwide 1M-IN-Y2K Committee.
To be passed out to everyone you meet durring your event.
Copy and paste the text on this sample card to your word processor and lay it out to
look like you see it below. You can fit 4 or 6 cards on a single 8.5" x 11" page. Cut
them into separate cards and hand them out to everyone you see. Be cheerful :-)
You are invited to sign
The Petition For More Wholesome Movies
Families everywhere are taking a stand and asking Hollywood to offer cleaner versions
of their movies, and make them appropriate for all family members. Typically, Hollywood
produces edited versions of their movies for television and the airlines, but as the
rating standards have degraded over time, young children are now exposed to more
violence, sex and vulgarity in "PG-13" rated movies than even existed in "R" rated
movies just 20 years ago. Is it any wonder why we have school shootings, gangs,
violence, teenage pregnancies and disrespect for authority? While many families are
resisting the garbage in films, building good character in themselves, resisting the
temptations to watch filthy entertainment is very hard to do for most. We challenge
Hollywood to offer more wholesome movies, edited for families to watch together,
without embarrassment or the need for parents to explain Hollywood's actions. We are
the customer, and we should have more choice in this matter. We recognize that some
may still prefer to view the un-edited versions, so we maintain their rights by
petitioning for More Wholesome Movies for the rest of us. The majority of new films
coming from Hollywood producers are not suitable for family viewing. We are urging
Hollywood to "Cut It Out" and to give us More Wholesome Movies. Please ask your
family to go to www.goodworks.net to sign the online version of this petition, or to
locate a paper petition, if locations are indicated on the reverse side of this card.
Thank you for your help.
This is an event for 1M-IN-Y2K = 1 Million names in the year 2000
Thank you for your help, Members of The Goodworks Network
Elise Jenkins & Family |
The Petition Letter
The Web Page Petition Form |
The Printable Petition
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